My mom and I have always been super close. She makes me laugh more than anyone. We shop together, work out together, stay up late watching "Friends" together, and go to late-night movies when none of my friends are still awake.
I firmly believe college gives you a newfound respect for your mom. Your mom is the one you call when you're having a bad day, a good day or just want to talk. She's the only person in the world who will pick up the phone just to listen to you vent at any time of the day. She gives you honest advice. (harsh or not) Your mom has been through everything you have and more, so when she tells you what to do or how to handle a situation you should probably listen to her. Whether you like it or not, your mom is always, always right. ALWAYS.
Your first semester in college can be a little lonely and overwhelming. Your mom is your comfort zone. It's who you cling to and look to in hard times. Thank goodness moms are only a phone call away. Sometimes that's all you need to turn your day around. You get closer to your mom when you move away. Weird how that works. In high school, most people are just ready to get out of the house and be independent which is great for a little while, but you soon realize you can't do life without your mom by your side. She's the first person you want to call when something good happens. You tell your mom absolutely everything. They will love you unconditionally no matter how bad of a grade you make on a test or just how bad you mess up in general. Moms are so selfless and not just because "they have to be." They really love us that much. I can't thank my mom for all she has done for me and helped me with especially since coming to college.
Mom, you rock and I love you!