This article is not being written to tell you to go out and make a bunch of bad decisions. A mistake is something that you do not necessarily know is wrong at the time. Many people look at past relationships as a mistake because they got cheated on. They may look at their dinner as a mistake because they got food poisoning. A mistake is something that turns out to be a negative thing or something that went wrong in someone’s life.
I think that the word mistake has a negative connotation. A mistake can be a good thing depending on the way you look at it. It is all about perspective of them. Mistakes can be used as a learning tool for the rest of your life. It is when mistakes become a habit and there is nothing learned from them, that they turn into something bad.
Many people have asked me throughout my life if I have any regrets. When I say “no”, they look at me with a funny face. Is it really that weird that I don’t want to regret my mistakes? Mistakes, along with a combination of other things, define you as a person. It’s all about how you grow from them and what you do about it. So no, I do not regret any mistakes in my life because I often wonder where I would be without them. Do I wish some things might’ve turned out differently at the time? Sure I did, but now looking back I have found comfort in my mistakes.
Mistakes are simply unavoidable because it is in our human nature. We are SUPPOSED to make mistakes. It is our way of figuring out solutions to our problems. Mistakes can teach us what we want and don’t want. They help to shape what is right and wrong in our lives. And since everyone is constantly messing up, it is hard to judge people on mistakes. You never really know someone’s story and the circumstances. Obviously some mistakes are worse than others but again, that has to do with perspective.
Like I stated earlier, I do not want this article to think that I am advocating for constant bad decisions. I am trying to say to change your view on mistakes. They are something that are out of your control, but something you can use as a tool to grow and shape yourself. So take your mistakes, and use them to fuel the future you. The mistake itself does not define you, but it is what you take from it that will help you.