Yup. I’m jumping on this overly mediatized subject. I know I may be slightly biased as I’m a millennial myself but I just can’t resist.
In the media it seems as if Millennials are either really hyped or hated- and there’s no in between. I see it all the time- the articles, the videos, the jokes- all making fun of my generation and I have to admit it’s all very entertaining. In fact, most of the time, it makes me laugh. Sure, it makes for a juicy argument, but here’s why this worldwide controversy is nothing but a complete waste of time.
Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers: I don’t hate you. Here’s why: the disgust some feel towards Millennials is something that every generation goes through. Throwing shade on my generation just means that your generation is getting older and more wise (and I don’t mean to slam you). Growing older is natural. So, of course, it’s natural for older generations to look upon younger generations and feel as though things have changed- because they have.
I think about it in terms of high school. When you’re a freshman you know nothing. Then you turn into a sophomore and all of a sudden you become a little bit more confident. When you reach junior year you generally gain a little bit of freedom and independence, and before you know it you’re a senior that thinks you know everything. We’re always evolving.
We’re all broken up into categories based on when we were born and no one can help that because it’s out of our control. We’ve got the old folks- (our grandparents), we’ve got the mature working-class citizens- (usually our parents), we’ve got the younger people who are just trying to figure out how to get to the next chapter in their lives- (the hip but older adults that are usually not our parents but we idolize them anyways), and then there comes us- the Millennials.
The way I see it every generation gets criticized. It’s simply because we’re the youngest generation and everything is new and everything is evolving. In the 40’s (when my Grandparents were young adults) there were plenty of things they did that would seem insane to many of us today like smoking cigarettes at the age of 12 or 13 and having children by the age of 18! Then, in the early 80’s (when my Dad was a young adult in high school) the government thought that the legal drinking age was appropriate at the age of 18. Then, there was my Mom’s generation- the generation that crushed over Prince, wore parachute pants, jog suits, and scrunchies.
What I mean to say is: every generation has been ridiculed in basically the same way- just for different reasons. The youngest generation is supposed to make their mark! And we all know what happens when someone leaves their mark (good or bad)- people will always feel entitled to share their opinions about it.
So, I get it. Millennials feel as though we have a sense of entitlement to everything. Millennials only care about their phones. Millennials care too much about image. Millennials are lazy and unmotivated. Millennials are pampered. Millennials don’t know what it takes to be in a ‘real relationship’. Millennials aren’t committed. Millennials are oversensitive.
The list could go on and on; but, don’t you think that your parents and grandparents said the same things about your generation? There are lazy, spoiled, unmotivated people everywhere. It’s not like Millennials are the spawn of satan! And even if you do share the opinion that Millennials are the spawn of satan it’s not like you weren’t perceived that way too at one point. I don’t take offense to it simply because I know one day I’ll have my chance. I’m smart enough to know that it isn’t Millennials v. society.
Last but not least, I want to address Millennials.
To all Millennials: I’ve been reading articles, surprisingly by many of you, who are actually contributing to the trend that bashes our generation. I don’t like it. But, at the same time, it’s actually ridiculously funny. I wonder, do you think you’re going to gain acceptance that way? Sorry to break it to you but it doesn’t work like that. You’re a Millennial just the same and none of us can help that. We shouldn't be ashamed of our own generation. We should embrace our youth. We should embrace what makes us Millennials! Each generation has, or had, the chance to be the youngest generation known to man. So why not enjoy that while it lasts? Let us make our mistakes, our trends, and our memories. One day, whether we look back upon our youth with disgust or fondness- it’ll be special to us just the same.
By the way, (to the Millennials who have spoken out against other Millennials) I must say, it’s really hipster of you to exile yourself from your own generation (lol).