The presidential election is in full swing and we only have 5 months left until it comes down to us to choose the next president. Who are you going to vote for?
According to a Census Bureau Report, only 38 percent of eligible 18-24 year-olds voted in the 2013 election. Seem low? Well this coming election may see even lower numbers. Many millennials don't want to vote.
I have heard from a large amount of people my age (college student) that they aren't going to vote this election season and that angers me. The real question is, why?
"I hate all of the canidates."
There are other ways to make your voice heard and to make a change this election season. You can write in a candidate or even vote for a third-party candidate. Don't know any third-party candidates? Want to know what parties have what candidates? That's where I come in to help.
2016 Presidential Candidates:
Hillary Clinton (Democrat)
Bernie Sanders (Democrat)
Rocky De La Fuente (Democrat)
Keith Russell Judd (Democrat)
Donald Trump (Republican)
Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
Jill Stein (Green)
Jesse Ventura (Independence Party)
As of May 31, 2016, 1,751 candidates have filed a Statement of Candidacy with the Federal Election Commission.
That's a lot of people you can vote for!
"I'm just not into politics" or "I don't really care."
Start caring! This is your country and your life! Start doing some research on the above candidates and see what they believe in. Are you passionate about women's rights? Maybe Hillary is your gal. Do you agree with Bernie on free education? Maybe you even side with Trump and think the wall is a good idea!
So go look up each candidate, watch clips of the debates, read as many articles as you can. You have the power to pick the next president and not everyone has that opportunity so make the most out of it!
"My vote won't make a difference."
You, my friend, are wrong. If everyone who might feel this way got together you could easily have a huge impact. Only 38 percent of millennials are voting. Think of what could happen if 100 percent of millennials voted? Voting for the next president start with you. Once you vote and express the need for more millennial voters, the rest will fall in line.
All in all, voting is extremely important for not only millennials but for the entire population. So get out there, research your candidates, tell your friends and classmates to vote. Maybe even tell your parents to vote. The power is ours to change the country and maybe even the world. One vote at a time.