As we grow older, we realize quickly that adult life advances as fast as it wishes. Deadlines creep up, payments are due, and the pressure to be both successful and social becomes heavier than ever. It is because of this assortment of obligations that we often forget to stop for a moment and ask our brains how they're feeling about all of the change.
It is easy to get lost in the sea of classes, jobs, friends and family. We lose communication with our brains and mistreat them in an attempt to keep up with societal commitments. As technology becomes more thoroughly integrated into our daily lives, those commitments never really leave our side. We constantly receive emails, texts, alarms and reminders of all the things we need to accomplish before the nearest deadline.
In modern society, hyperactivity is encouraged and admired. While hard work is important, it should also be maintained that our brains need attention as well. If we don't give our minds the TLC they deserve, we can't expect them to operate effectively and efficiently, especially if they are faced with illnesses separate from the mundane stress of everyday life.
When we create our daily priority lists, we seldom write "recovery time" on line one. We fixate on assignments, projects, socialization and entertainment; we leave no room for ourselves. Eventually this vicious cycle catches up and sends us spiraling into breakdowns of anxiety or depression. To combat this outcome, it is necessary to have conversations with our brains about whether we're taking proper care of them or not.
In any case, we need to remember that mental health comes first. Humans are not machines and cannot function on two hours of sleep each night. We have to keep ourselves rested in order to operate properly each day. That being said, we also have to remember to take time for healing every once in a while. Whether it be going for a walk, reading a book for fun, or simply laying in bed listening to music, it is essential to spend time allowing ourselves to recoup and recharge.
Life gains momentum each day and doesn't stop, even when we want it to. We can pull on the reigns as much as we want, but the reality is that we run with life, not the other way around. We can only take a step back, breathe a little, and leap back into living, just as enthusiastic as before. All we have to do is listen to our brains and take a breath when they ask us to.