Gender equality is a hot blooded topic in today's society, especially among young Americans. The feminist movement seemed to swell overnight, and with good reason. Spawning from the feminist movement, the #Meninist movement has been breathed into creation. The basic idea of Meninism is to point out the "hypocrisies" in radical feminism. Urban Dictionary has a conveniently provided a definition to the word Meninist.
Meninism started as a clever hashtag on social media sites, such as Twitter. Several #Meninist Twitter pages have been created, and their beliefs are actually interesting. The following tweet discusses how first-world feminism ignores the problems of women around the world.
Many feminists seem to have a mixed reaction to the satirical movement, some tweets I found were too violent to even post in this article. Talking about committing violent acts against men who wear #Meninist apparel, or being involved with the movement. This is one of the more tame tweets.
The movement, however, does not have to be a joke. These times now are filled with wide and diverse changes. Gay marriage has been legalized in all 50 states, gender identity is now a more open subject, and men's right can be explored. Men despite being viewed as the more powerful sex often can receive the short end of the equality stick.
We'll take the example of false rape accusations. Studies conducted by those such as Eugene Kanin found that false rape accusations being filed rose. A following up study found that about half of these accusations were completely false. For more information about these studies, you can read, False Rape Society Archives.
Among men winning custody of their children, a study reporting that men received full custody of their children only about 17% of the time in a study as recent as 2007. The diagram and more information can be viewed at Child Custody.
The statistic of men on men and women on men rape statistics are horrid. Fewer than 1 in 10 male on male rapes are even reported, an article by Nicole Johnston cites that male rape victims are often unable to seek asylum in the legal systems, that are "40 years behind in the area of male rape, and men are treated differently by the courts." Male Victims Left To Suffer In Silence
Male rape victims at the hands of females are even more disgusting.In the article Against His Will by CNN, James Landrith spoke out against his abuse. "I want people to understand that it's not about how physically strong you are," he says. "We [men] are conditioned to believe that we cannot be victimized in such a way." In the same article, "Males have the added burden of facing a society that doesn't believe rape can happen to them ... at all," says psychotherapist Elizabeth Donovan.
The Meninist trend does not have to be this big satirical joke. Taking a stand for men's is a just cause. Meninism and Feminism can coexist, just not at the level they are out right now. Meninism does not have to be pointing out hypocrisies in feminism, but should truly advocate for men's rights. I myself believe in Humanitarianism, the belief that we are all human and should be treated equally. If you are a man, take a stand for your rights, for your fellow man, and your fellow woman. If you are reading this article, research ways, and means to boost both sides up, together; to coexist. The past 6 years have proved to be extremely progressive, and society as a whole can keep moving forward, man and woman alike. I implore you, fight for yourself, fight for someone else; fight for everyone.