Everyone at this point probably knows what MCM and WCW means. If somehow you have survived the social media craze over the past few years, let me enlighten you. MCM stands for "Man Crush Monday" and WCW, of course, stands for "Woman Crush Wednesday." Usually, people begin by posting a picture of their Man/Woman Crush, and a sappy paragraph explaining why. In hindsight, this is a cute way to express someone their love for them.
In reality, I believe that these posts are only asking for validation from social media friends.
Why not send your loved one a sweet message personally? You could even go old school and write a love note and leave it for them to find. Why care what 500+ people have to say about your relationship? It seems as though that by posting a MCM or WCW you would rather the 500+ people to see the post rather than your own loved one. It is more of a personal post saying, "I am such a great boyfriend/girlfriend, and now the whole world knows it." If your relationship is as strong as you believe it is, you would not need validation from people you haven't talked to in years.
But don't get me started on posting YOURSELF as MCM or WCW!
Yes, I am all for self-empowerment and loving yourself. But why on Earth would you make yourself your crush? In my opinion, this shows a sense of shallowness and narcissism. Great! You love yourself! Now why should social media care? Again, you are wanting more self-validation. Forgive me for not showing interest in something you should hold personal, but I will continue leaving sweet messages for my fiancé for him to find, and love myself without needing a stranger's approval.