I personally do not believe that there are "set in stone" reasons behind getting a divorce. People can get divorced for a million different reasons. Some of them being extremely ridiculous such as their partner simply getting on their nerves because of something small like, forgetting to put the toilet seat down. However, the "reasons" can vary from small to large. While there are not set in stone reasons behind divorce there are still the typical commonly discussed reasons such as: emotional/physical/mental abuse, loss of feelings, cheating spouses, occurrence of a tragic event and of course many more.
So many people are divorcing now-a-days because everyone is jumping straight into marriage right after high school. This makes it so you never actually get to spend time 100% with yourself. Your brain isn’t fully developed until you are 25 so you don’t truly even know who you are, yet alone know who you want to spend your entire life with. Most, but not all marriages that happen right after high school result in people realizing they want to experience life alone as they get into their adult ages. I believe once they realize all the things they can no longer do they begin to resent their partners which regularly winds up in a messy divorce.
While it may just be a matter of opinion, but many people are divorcing because of how early everyone is getting married. Marriage should not be something that is rushed, if you are going to spend your entire life with somebody you need to know everything important about that person. Are they clean/dirty? What do they eat? Do they want a family? Where do they prefer to live? Things like these are normally written off without thought but are soon learned to be extremely important. I believe that if people were to wait until they graduate college or are financially stable and able to fend for themselves first: divorce rates would decrease immensely.