If you are anything like me, within a week I’ll have 4 tests, 2 papers, a quiz, and a presentation due. Between hours spent in class, studying, and working, most students barely have enough time to take care of themself, exercise, and get enough rest. I totally get that. College is a very busy part of life and there is no way around that. You could be the best at time management but there will always be that one thing that doesn’t get enough of your attention. Most students worry about their grades first, then work, sleep, exercise, and their social life. But where in that list does time for God fall?
For the past year I have been setting time for God in the trash. I convinced myself that I was too busy to stop and just let Him know I was thankful for all He has given me. I didn’t go to church, read any of my Bible, and I absolutely slacked off on praying, unless I needed an A on a test. For a few weeks, it didn’t seem to affect me. I was making good grades, working, exercising, getting plenty of sleep and still having time for family and friends. Then, I hit the death zone. I felt like I was tied to the bottom of a pool, with no way out. I wasn’t sleeping. I wasn’t eating or exercising. And I definitely was not making good grades on anything. I lost sight of time so fast. So after the semester was over and I came out with okay grades, I devoted my time for the break to get back in touch with who I was before. When this semester began, I started (and still am) going to church, reading my Bible, and praying countless times a day. And can I tell a difference? Absolutely. I have never been happier in my life, even with finding time to do all the things I wanted to before.
I always hear the words, “I am just too busy,” when asking someone to join me for church or even just a small Bible study. But do you know who wasn’t busy the day you were created? If you answered God, you are correct. God is in charge of every single person in the world, but if you call out to Him, He always listens. He is always present. God shouldn’t be at the bottom of your totem pole because you weren’t at the bottom of His. Without God ever taking the time to create you and make you whole, you wouldn’t even be alive. God made it possible for you to be able to get a higher education. God gave you all of your talents and skills to have a job. And God made you who you are so you could have loving friends and family. So don’t you tell yourself that you are just too busy to spend some time with Him. God doesn’t care whether you spend 5 minutes or 2 hours praising Him and being intimate. He loves you so much and wants you to be able to check in every once in a while.
I challenge you to make God a priority. If you are a struggling college student that just doesn’t know what to do with yourself, God will help you. You just have to ask for it. Get to know God first. Always remember that once you find God, happiness and success will follow you.