You hear all these stereotypes about girls that wear "too" much makeup, but is there really such a thing as "too" much? If you ask any girl they will tell you in all honestly that makeup makes them not as insecure. Personally, I feel the same way. Girls aren't doing it to look good for someone else all the time, they are doing it to look good for themselves. Then you hear people saying "you are beautiful without makeup" but then, when you fail to put it on, they ask if you are okay or sick. Does that make sense? Not at all. You could ask any girl, they put makeup on for fun, to feel good, or just to even take a selfie.
Makeup doesn't only make a girl look more presentable but it makes them feel so much better about themselves and confident with them-self as a whole. It doesn't matter if you aren't that good with putting makeup on because no matter what, you will always feel better. Makeup isn't going to leave your side, if you run out you can go buy some more. Makeup is a girls best friend because it will always make her feel pretty and won't ever let her down. It isn't a bad thing to wear makeup like some people think, if it makes you feel pretty.. then wear it, flaunt it, and feel beautiful with it on! Not girl should listen to what the men in the world say, because whether you wear makeup or not. You are always getting judged by your appearance.
So, coming from a girl that wears makeup when I want and doesn't wear makeup when I want, if you want to wear makeup, then do it. But do it for you, because no matter what, you are really only trying to make yourself happy in the end. Makeup is a girls best friend in many ways. The number one way is, because girls feel beautiful when wearing makeup. I know I feel better when I'm wearing my makeup. Because my makeup is my best friend.