I was thinking about New Years Resolutions and not a lot of people choose to love themselves as a resolution. Its always to workout more or not be so stressed out but rarely do I hear to love myself. In life we go through ups and downs and while you have people that are there for you, the person that will always be there for you is yourself. It is self-love not love from others that will help you ring in 2017 with a BANG!
We all think negative things about ourselves, I will admit that I do that a lot. Well we need to stop thinking bad things about ourselves. In The Help, the main character told the little girl, " You is smart. You is kind. You is important." When ever you get down on yourself just think that saying. We all need to be more positive about ourselves and stop listening to what your family thinks of you or what society thinks of you.
Self-love makes you a better and happier person. You forgive yourself for your mistakes instead of beating yourself up over things you can't control. When you love yourself you are more likely to achieve your goals. A few months ago I didn't love myself. I was going through a breakup and out of the darkness came into the light. If you told me last year what I would have done over those months since the breakup I wouldn't of believed you. It took a few months but slowly I grew out of the self hate and started to believe in myself and love myself again.
You might be going through something dark right now but always believe in the light. Let go of the negative thoughts you have and bring in the positive. You need to recognize that there is nothing holding you back from perusing your goals and you are your own superhero. You can make yourself happy and you are the key to loving yourself. Not your parents, not your significant other, you. In Haliee Steinfeld's song Love Myself she sings, "I love me. Gonna love myself, No. I don't need anybody else." She's right, through all the good and the bad in your life you will always be there. So stop putting yourself down and for your New Years Resolution you should start loving yourself!