As a freshman starting out at Michigan State and a journalism major, I fought to find something I could be involved in. I went to many different club meetings only to find out that I needed much more experience in my field or it was too time consuming and conflicted with my busy schedule. I have always loved to write, so I decided to send an application to Odyssey.
Odyssey's community is a diverse, evolving group of people. Writing one article a week seems like no big deal, but trying to find original content to write about can be tricky. The fun thing is that you can write about ANYTHING you want with no judgment.
Some think that Odyssey doesn't count as a platform for journalism (check out @OdysseyRejects on twitter if you need a good laugh). I can see why some may think that, but Odyssey's community has strict rules and guidelines to follow for each article. Odyssey is an amazing way to get your voice and opinions heard.
I have only been a Content Creator for a few months now, but Odyssey has already given me so many opportunities. Because of them, I have improved my writing skills; something people think you can only improve in writing classes. I now have something fun and unique to add to my resume. I am receiving recognition for my pieces. Whether it's shares or a simple "Hey, I read your article!", I am getting my name out there on a widely known website. I get to meet new people and read their writing, which could inspire me for my next piece. I get to write about topics that are important to me, and hopefully, they will be important to other people as well.
It doesn't matter if you are pursuing journalism or business or biology. If you are one with a voice that you feel is meant to be heard, let it, with Odyssey.