Whether you are a teacher, babysitter, or (like me), a camp counselor, working with children can certainly be a handful. They can be difficult, emotional, and drive you crazy. However, working with children can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can have, and here's just a few reasons why:
1. Kids Are Hilarious
I had a girl who was gluten-free as a camper in my cabin one summer. She said that she hoped all foods could become gluten free before flying cars were invented, because obviously flying cars were right around the corner. Kids can come up with some of the stupidest, but also the funniest stuff and it's amazing how much they'll make you smile.
2. You Learn New Skills
Working with kids taught me different techniques to combat home-sickness or other gateways to tears. I've also developed a knack for storytelling as it is the ultimate device for getting children's attention and respect. When you are the closest thing to a parent a child has, you have to quickly learn how to do stuff parents have to do, such as styling a little girl's hair, killing a bug that you can't let on you're afraid of, or even tying a kid's shoe just the way he likes it.
3. There's Lots of Love
There's something so rewarding about when a child thinks you are the most awesome human being in the world. A hug is better than any "Good job" or "Nice work." There are nights at camp when I turn out the cabin lights and tell the kids goodnight. The nights where they will say back, "Good night! I love you!" are the best of the summer. Kids have big hearts and while not everyone has the patience or the skills to work with children, it certainly is worth it.