The childcare field is an exhausting job, and most people don’t give enough credit for those who are childcare providers. I always get asked why I would do that to myself. Well, let me be honest with you coming from my experience. The pay rate is low. A lot of the parents can come off as extremely rude, telling the providers how to do their job and whatnot. I’ve changed some of the most cringe worthy diapers. I’ve had kids sneeze on me. I’ve had them wipe their sticky hands full of boogers and soggy food on my pants. I come home, or even go to school with questionable stains on my clothing. I’ve come home with sicknesses that I didn’t even know existed. I usually smell like a mix of paint, poop, and yogurt when I come home. I listen to high pitched screams and cries for 4+ hours straight sometimes. I have to break up kids from pulling each other’s hair and taking toys from each other. I’ve come home crying sometimes, not because I hate the kids. It gets over exhausting. So why be a childcare provider if it’s so chaotic?
The minute I walk through the door everyday, all of the kids will run up and give me the biggest bear hugs. There’s something about the hug of a child that can make all of the bad thoughts disappear. They are just so cute, cuddly, and innocent. They always give me the artwork that they make. Even when it’s little scribbles on crumbled up paper, it still makes my day even better.
After long days of classes, I’m so overwhelmed from adulting so hard. It’s nice to come to the daycare and be a little kid again. Playing fun games, reading stories, making arts and crafts, having the kids dress me up, and singing silly songs. Being there takes me back to my childhood.
I see these kids learn and grow everyday, and it’s amazing to see who they turn out to be. I’ll work with some kids who don’t even know how to write a letter, and months later they’re writing their name without even being asked. I get to be their biggest fan everyday. I’ll see a kid struggling with a puzzle and they’ll finally put the piece in and they get so happy for themselves. Little accomplishments like that make me proud.
Another benefit from working at daycare is that kids teach you valuable life lessons. They teach you how to be fearless and confident. When they want something, they go for it without even hesitating. Sometimes they’ll dress themselves in mismatching clothes and wear those outfits with full confidence. They teach you how to appreciate the little things in life. Something as small as putting a sticker on their chart for good behavior can make them happy. They teach honesty. Sometimes, they can be brutally honest. If they don’t like something, they have no problem telling you as it is. The most important lesson they teach is love. They don’t know the difference whether you’re rich or poor. They don’t care if you’re in the popular crowd or not. As long as you’re willing to get silly and creative with them, they will love you forever. I love my job. Even though it can be stressful at times, seeing these kiddos everyday makes it all worth it.