If you don't know who Tomi Lahren is you probably don't have a Facebook and a friend that either hates her or loves her. That's how America is, you either hate her, or love her like I do. Why you ask?
1. She is a voice for not just conservatives but a voice for conservative millennials. And a voice for an even smaller population, conservative millennial females.
As a millennial, I do not know many people my age who are Republican. That number is even smaller when you put the female filter on. The populations I mentioned above aren't as vocal when it comes to social media. Why? Because when we do we get called racists, sexists and whatever other word liberals attach to us. Tomi is our voice. She shares our thoughts and puts them out there for the world to hear. She is brave and does not care about the haters. She gets called so many names and doesn't care the slightest. Around the time of the first women's march, someone tweeted at her "too bad your mom didn't abort you"... #1 lol liberals preaching "be nice, us women need to treat each other better" and then they say awful things like that *sips tea*. #2 she didn't even care. I'm blown away by her ability to brush off the horrible comments she gets. I only wish I could have the self confidence to not care at all.
2. She is a voice for conservatives in the liberal heavy media
My social media is flooded with my liberal friends sharing their liberal posts. And i'm sure many others can relate. Tomi is a breath of fresh air. She is the conservative powerhouse dominating social media. Her videos are the political posts on my feed that I can agree with. She puts the other sides argument out there.
3. She doesn't believe in political correctness
Political correctness is complete bullshit. You shouldn't have to walk around tip-toeing over everyone's feelings. Sorry people but being uncomfortable and challenged is what makes you grow as a person!
4. She starts conversations society needs to have
Her most infamous quote says it all, "'whether you love what i'm saying or hate what I'm saying, you're having a reaction to it, and that is exactly what needs to happen in this country".
5. She stands up for so many different populations
Not many political commenters stand up for our president (Yes he is your president whether you like it or not). Not many commentators stand up for Veterans, the ones who risk their lives so you can march and moan. Not many commentators stand up for the police, the ones who will protect you no matter what because that's their job. She sticks up for them and reminds them that they matter and we need to take care of them too.
And if this offends you...well you might be a snowflake. As always "feel free to disagree. God bless you. God bless America. And take care".