Oftentimes, people will ask you what your favorite part of nature is. Some people say the vast seas, mountains, or even the wind. But I always say the sky. I love the sky because it is beautiful, vast, and always available; it is a continuous portrait of color and movement manifested by a Creator who knew we needed something to visually experience as we gaze up to Him. It is a snapshot of heaven, of creation, and we can never get away from it. Just think about it--the sky is constant in a world that most certainly is not. It doesn’t disappear like the flowers in the spring or trees in the forest; it merely changes.
The sky, on its off days, can also be very frightening. When I experience its anger and watch a storm blast over the earth, I always check to see if the sky is beginning to turn green. That means that it is about to lose its cool, and all puny earth-dwellers had better watch out.
But even in its terror, it is a magnificent sight. Remember when God flooded the earth? Well, He knew He needed to add another marvel to a spot where everyone would be able to see it. Rainbows are a visual promise of God's goodness to this day. Even after thunderous tremors and magnificent electrocution, the sky is adorned with simplicity and color.
There is this awesome spot at my school to watch the sun set into the earth. Sometimes, when the sun is just about to go down, I have to run to this spot and catch it before it says goodbye for the day. Here, I am often reminded about how I am given this sight every single day, seemingly just for humans to marvel at and watch. It has the power to remind me that I am really and truly loved and seen. It's even really cool when you get to experience this with other humans. You learn more about their intricacies in the process of this splendorous show.
I love looking at the night sky because it’s often very quiet when I do. I think about the shining little freckles that let me know that I am small and that God is very big. I like thinking about how He is watching me, knowing me, taking care of me. He does all of this perfectly.
But how humbling it is to think that my God can create magnificent balls of gas in a dizzily vast universe, and yet would want to create the detailed aspects of my being. And He says that I am the most beautiful! Have you ever seen the most glorious, striking sunset in your life? One filled with yellows and reds and pinks that loftily spread throughout the expanse just above your head? Well guess what--God thinks that a tiny little human with often-sinful intentions and fickle thoughts is greater than that.
I love the sky because it reminds me that I am small and weak but that I am specifically known all the more. I encourage you to spend some time with the sky sometime soon; it can certainly teach you a lot.