There are 30,000 people and two different high schools, but it is still one big place to call home.
There are many reasons to love your hometown, but for me, the main ones are looked past every day. Pittsford is on the map for their amazing school districts, Wegmans and -- best of all -- one of the top places to raise a family. But for me, knowing all of this doesn't compare to actually living through it.
So, here's just a couple things I have grown to love while growing up in such a spectacular place.
The school district, just like every other school district, can get a lot of hate. For years Pittsford schools have been in the top 100 public school districts for their sports, academics, diversity and SAT scores. Main thanks for that is to our superintendent Mike Pero, former principal of Barker Road Middle School, and our extremely talented and patient teachers.
We have had our ups and downs, our time of glory when we win states in our high school sports and we have had our times of distraught when we have lost members of our society at young ages. Or even when we butt heads with the law for doing something that was done in the right mind. No matter what happens, we come together, make donations and celebrate what was and what is.
The village basically has everything you need from cute little shops to restaurants. Pittsford wouldn't be complete without the coal tower and Yotality. A couple miles down the road we have what is known as the monster Wegmans. If you don't like seeing people that you know, then I suggest staying clear of there because you can't make it through the store without seeing at least two people that you know.
Best of all, we have the Erie Canal right in our backyards. For some of us, it is even true. If you go at the end of the year, then you can see the Sam Patch boat carrying a bunch of fourth-grade students on their field trip for almost two weeks straight, every weekday.
Pittsford isn't just home. It's a place to relax, learn and hang out with friends.
And that is why I love Pittsford.