One of the worst questions anyone can ask me is "What's your favorite movie?" And it's not that I can't answer that, it's just that there are too many options to choose from. Even if you were to go specifically by genre, I would still list off ten or fifteen movies without even thinking about it. But a lot of those movies are old movies.
Let me preface this by telling you I am a huge film buff. I am obsessed with them. And old movies just capture me. Let's just say I frequent the Turner Classic Movies channel. I can't get enough of these classic films. One of the biggest reasons, though, is my grandma. She loves these old movies and it gives me something I can share with her. Allow me to share with you my affinity for old movies.
1. The Movie Magic
Movies were made to be entertainment. But some movies just have the movie magic. Movie magic is that childlike wonder that some movies have that draws you in. You don't know why, but you can't turn away; you get highly invested in the characters and the story. A special feeling resonates in your gut. You can't explain it - you just don't want to lose it.
The Wizard of Oz
2. Cinematography
Yes, I know that Hollywood can pretty much do whatever they want now, especially with cinematography. But back then, the techniques they used were new and innovative.
Ingrid Bergman- Casablanca
3. Story-Telling Ability
Does it seem to you like Hollywood is out of ideas? That there is remake after remake? A lot of the originals were made back before your parents were born. A lot of these movies just have stories that develop their characters better and the story clicks well. To me it's timeless and engulfs me into the story every single time.
To Kill a Mockingbird
4. Acting
Don't get me wrong; there are a lot of actors these days who deliver incredible role after role (looking at you, Leonardo DiCaprio and Daniel Day Lewis). But these actors in the past had to deliver roles that were difficult. The old actors just seemed to deliver their roles better for way less money than today's actors.
Citizen Kane
5. I'm a sucker for a good musical
They just don't make musicals very often anymore (side note: one of my all time favorites is Fiddler on the Roof). Maybe I'm lame, but some of those musicals tell the best stories. Just a thought.
Fiddler on the Roof