As an Editor-In-Chief, I have more than one thing to worry about during the week regarding Odyssey. I have to deal with reminders, discussing with applicants, constantly checking my email, editing articles, writing my own articles and the list is endless. Despite all of this, I have my wonderful seven writers. Time and time again, they’ve made my smile, laugh and yes, even cry with their inspiring words. These seven are like my children, and I can never not be proud of their work. At the same time, our deadline every week is Saturday at midnight, but without fail, someone will always turn in their article late. Don’t get me wrong, I know they’re at least doing something by turning in an article, and I appreciate that, I just also appreciate deadlines.
My current Co-Editor actually came up with this brilliant idea that all of us should meet one day for lunch or dinner to really get to know one another. This way, Odyssey isn’t just like all of the other social medias where you may never really get to meet these people you talk to and interact with. In fact, so far I’ve only met five of my seven writers, and I’ve been doing this Odyssey thing for months.
I think my favorite part about being an EIC though is getting to see the beginning stages of these articles. I get to see their gears going at all the meetings, and I can even relate to the struggle of not knowing what to write week to week. But somehow, these seven people always pull through and write something they're passionate about. And that’s why this week, I chose to write about my seven close friends. This week it isn’t about me, it’s about them.
Lawrence, you’ve been with me the longest, and you’ve chosen to share all of your heartbreaks with us through your remarkable articles. I love that.
Ibrahim, I appreciate your passion of soccer and all the aspects you’ve shown between teams and coaches. I now see soccer in a different light.
Devin, I love that your heart is so big and that you continuously write about things that are so near and dear to you. I’m glad to get to know you in a way that most aren’t able.
Rachel, though you’re still pretty new to this, I think that you’ve blossomed incredibly. I am amazed how you are always able to boggle my mind.
Spencer, you’ve been with us for a while now and have written astounding articles. My favorite is especially the one about Vietnam vets.
Samuel, you’re also one of my newest. But don’t worry, you’re doing great as my Co-Editor. I really appreciate all of your help.
Last but not least, Rebekah. You are our most recent addition, but you definitely fit into the family we have nicely. I love the personality you bring to the table.
For all of those other EICs of Odyssey out there, I encourage you to really take the time this week and thank your writers for all that they do. Because, if it wasn’t for them, where would you be?