The BCM isn’t a church.
But it is the body.
When I stepped on to Troy University’s campus, I was a dazed and confused freshman.
I had no clue what the years ahead of me would hold.
I couldn’t begin to imagine the storms and gifts college life would throw my way.
As I enter my senior year, I look back and notice a constant.
Baptist Campus Ministries.
Don’t get me wrong, we aren’t perfect.
I promise you I’ve seen (and instigated) enough theological arguments in the lobby to know that we don’t always have our act together.
But we do have an awful lot of love to go around.
Not only did the BCM introduce me to some of my best friends, but it also served to build stronger foundations for relationships I already had.
As a commuter, it’s hard to find a place on campus that you feel at home, because there’s no dorm to escape to.
For the past three years, the BCM has been my go to when class gets out early, gets randomly cancelled, or the quad is just too hot.
But what makes the BCM the BCM has nothing to do with the building, the activities, or even the sign (definitely not the sign…).
The BCM is what it is because of the body of Christ within its walls.
The smiling, and sometimes not smiling, faces inside are a support network, a comedy show, and an incredibly diverse collection.
While the rooms can be used for studying, goofing off, or growing closer to Christ, the people who occupy them build you up and pour in to you regardless of your activity while you’re there.
The BCM is a home away from home, a place to be yourself, and maybe even discover who that is.
Every Christian has to come to the place where they own their faith, but that isn’t always an easy process.
I worked out quite a few of my growing pains in the lobby of the BCM, somewhere between the vending machine and the box of soda cans in the corner.
When God allowed me the opportunity to live at the BCM this summer, I thought it was just awesome.
I thought He was just being His usual good self.
I never in a million guesses could have predicted that He was building a fortress to get me through the darkest of hours.
But I can never express how appreciative I am that He knows so much better than I do.
And on the worst day of my life (to date) when the whole world seemed to crumble inside of me, I can thank God for this- I was at home.
Of all the places on this earth I could be when my parents told me news I can never forget, I’m grateful it was in my safe house, my refuge, my escape.
I’m thankful I had beautiful roommates to hug afterwards.
And as hard as this semester is going to be, I am blessed to know that I have a place to go when it’s all too much and my family feels just too far away.
I have a cleft in a rock where He will cover me with His hands, and I will be secure.
And I won't have to go far to find a friendly face and a strengthening embrace.
I love the BCM because on my good days, it’s my oasis for laughter and good memories.
But I adore the BCM because on my bad days, it’s my security blanket filled with His goodness and the beautiful people that light up Troy University and my life.