Disney’s latest animated film, titled “Moana”, features their newest Princess of the same name as the film. In ancient Polynesia, a terrible curse has begun to spread throughout all the islands, all started because Maui, a demigod, stole the mother island’s heart. Now the ocean has chosen Moana to team up with Maui to have him restore the heart and save the islands from the dark curse. This film has quickly become, not only one of my favorites, but many others’ as well. Here are 7 reasons why I love “Moana”.
1. The Ocean
The way they used the Ocean as a character in itself was pure genius. I love the way they didn’t make Moana so much a Waterbender, but a girl who happens to have the Ocean on her side. The Ocean is still its own character with its own personality.
2. The Animation
“Moana” has some of the best animation I’ve ever seen. Disney has really stepped up their game for this film. They made a whole new program for just animating the Ocean. That’s true dedication.
3. No Love Interest
Yes, it’s true. A Disney Princess movie with no love interest. Now, I know there’s Brave and Frozen, but those mention true love and marriage and all that lovey dovey stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sucker for a good, sappy, Disney couple, but yet, Moana was such a nice change of pace, without a love interest at all.
4. It's Telling An Original Story
Unlike many other Disney movies, the story of “Moana” is not based on an earlier fairytale. Instead, it’s an original story based on ancient Polynesian mythology.
5. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
He voices Maui, the demigod. Need I say more? Oh yeah, he raps and sings.
6. Auli'l Cravalho
A brand new talent Disney has casted as the title role, “Moana”. She is an amazing actress and singer. She captures the role of Moana perfectly and I can’t imagine anyone else getting the honor of bringing this character to life.
7. The Music
I’ve saved the best for last. This soundtrack has been on constant repeat for me and many others as well. The magical soundtrack comes from writers such as Lin Manuel Miranda, who you might recognize as the creator of the hit Broadway show, “Hamilton”.