If you have ever had the right person come into your life, but told yourself it was just at the wrong time, these words are for you.
There will never be a "right" time because love is an intense feeling that cannot be quantified in terms of time. There will always be an aspect of your life that you wish was more together than it is, but that is just life. If you keep waiting for the opportune moment, you could literally wait forever or end up in a mediocre relationship. I have heard it way too often- from friends, coworkers, and family members that "it just isn't the right time for me to be in a serious relationship." I need to finish school first. I need to land my dream job first. I need to pay off all my student loan debt first (I don't know about you, but I would probably be 40 if I waited for that). I need to move out of my parents' house first (yes, that one is true). The list could go on and on about all the things you think you need to have squared away before you fall in love with someone. But please tell me when we as humans, gained the superhuman ability to control time and love?
Just because you are in a serious relationship with someone doesn't mean you will automatically neglect your responsibilities and life goals. If you are with the right person, you will grow with that person and figure life out together, no matter how young you are. Don't be so scared that you literally pass up your soulmate because of timing and then wonder why for the next 5 years you cannot seem to find the right person. Love doesn't reward those who are blind to it.
Love just happens. It is not something you plan to conveniently place in your life when the time seems to be perfect for you. Soulmates do not follow a strict, timely path where they walk into your life when it is most optimal for you and your situation. If this was the case, then we would all be living very different lives and probably on another planet.
I know this sounds cliche, but if you feel that you have met your soulmate at the "wrong" time, do not give up. True love is not going to be easy. There will be bumps and timing will always be one of them. Not everyone is going to meet their soulmate because not everybody believes in them. However, if you are someone who is lucky enough to find them, you better seize that opportunity. People literally search their whole lives looking for their other half. Something so meaningful and beautiful will not come easy. But it will be worth it.
I have been asked several times about how I knew at such a young age that I had met my soulmate. The answer is always the same for me...I felt it. I could literally feel it in my soul and I still do. It is more than a physical and mental attraction. It is a reaction within your soul that is indescribable. It will be the most nonchalant meeting of two souls, but when they do cross paths, the connection will be too intense to dismiss as a regular occurence.
"When deep down in the core of your being you believe that your soulmate exists, there is no limit to the ways he or she can enter your life."