One of the great things about living in a college dorm with a television is that it gives you a well-deserved break from classes and studying. There should be one show that everyone looks forward to, whether it's a weekend show or a nightly one. Usually I hear that some of the shows people look forward to include Orange is the New Black, Game of Thrones, Arrow, or the The Walking Dead. What's the show I look forward to? Jeopardy!
Yes, I'm 21 years old and a senior in college and no I'm not talking about SNL's sketches of "Celebrity Jeopardy!" where Sean Connery (Darrell Hammond) gave Alex Trebek (Will Ferrell) a hard time... all the time. SNL is another funny discussion for later. I'm not the kind of person who binge-watches these particular shows on Netflix if i missed them or seem not to have panic attacks about them. I don't think I could binge-watch shows even if I tried.
Jeopardy is on every night and it's a nice study break for me. Like the show's host, Alex Trebek, said after being asked what makes Jeopardy so unique; he responded by saying, "I think what makes Jeopardy! special is that, among all the quiz and game shows out there, ours tends to reward and encourage learning."
That's the important message I get; it's a message I've known for a long time. One of my grandmothers always asked me how I was doing in school and my other grandmother always talked about Jeopardy!. As a college student, you're going to learn a lot of things and it can be tough to process all of it in one day. Sometimes what you learn in school, can actually be a clue/answer on Jeopardy! depending on the categories. It makes you feel like you've learned something that day after seeing it on Jeopardy! Of course we need to know that information is important and not just relying on television saying it is, one person may think. Or it can do the opposite, you may actually learn something new from a clue that was used.
Jeopardy! also has special tournaments for college students to participate in and have teachers' tournaments which also donate to teacher's causes and to the teacher contestants themselves. You could even tryout for Jeopardy with their online test, on their website,
Wouldn't that be awesome to say to your fiends by saying, "Hey, I was a contestant on Jeopardy! and won a boatload of money to pay off tuition?" We college students could use some money to help pay off loans. I encourage you to watch Jeopardy! for once. You never know, you could learn something.