The world is a cruel place—a very very cruel place. There’s a lot of hate, but there’s a whole lot of love.
Love is a choice. You may disagree with me, but before you go to that decision, hear me out. Love is a choice AND a feeling. At first, when you meet someone, you’re not going to force yourself to like them. It’ll be an instant thing like you didn’t even mean to fall in love with them. Then, time happens. Over time, your love will grow. You’ll become more comfortable with that person, and you’ll know mostly everything about them. You’ll also know their flaws, and what they don’t like about you, and what you don’t necessarily care about them—this is where the choice comes in. You don’t get handed everything you want in life, and you won’t fall in love with someone who is perfect. That’s just life. There will be hard times, there will be fights that you think for sure is the end, but you’ll find your way back. The good times overcome the bad times, every time.