Sometimes I just really need company. Yeah, it's nice to be alone, but for the most part, it's really hard for me to be alone. I love having roommates because I'm rarely alone. They respect my space, and if I ever wanted to be alone they'd let me, but since we live together we spend a lot of time together! I can't imagine living alone.
I hate being alone because even the thought of someone being there is comforting. I need someone there to protect me. If someone comes in to rob my house I've got two girls here to back me up. Without them, it would be me alone against some criminal, but with the three of us, we can defeat all odds.
Living with roommates is like always having a sleepover. You've always got your friends to watch romance movies or horror movies with on Friday or Saturday nights. Any time of the day and night your best friends are around to keep you company.
If you're someone who has a roommate, and you aren't in college, and you aren't best friends, you have someone to help you pay the bills! More roommates = less money. You can share groceries, rent, and even if you're close, you can share shoes!
Living alone is lonely. Yeah, you can get a cat or a dog, but pets can only do so much, and not all places will allow pets. It's nice to have someone to talk to who talks back, or someone to laugh with who laughs back. Being alone makes you crazy.
If you're feeling sick, your roommate(s) can make you soup, or give you coffee! When you're feeling homesick, your roommates are there to comfort you. When you're too lazy to grab the remote, sometimes, if you're lucky, your roommate will grab it for you!
You're not the only one taking out the garbage, or the recyclables. You aren't the only one who has to clean. You can split expenses for things like furniture. Who's bringing the printer? Who's bringing the TV? You can coordinate a fair share of expenses for things.
In conclusion, everyone needs someone to live with. Whether it's a roommate, friend, spouse, or family member. Because living alone is too lonely.