I love Harry Potter.
For those who know me, this is not a secret. I'm very open about my obsession and, truthfully, I don't care if people think I'm childish or a little weird. When I was 13, I fell in love with a boy who lived in a cupboard and I haven't regretted a second of it.
I've read every word, watched every minute, smiled, sobbed, screamed, and experienced the final moments of the phenomenon at the midnight premiere with tears in my eyes. I had an entire blog dedicated to the series and, yes, I was one of those crazy people who stayed up until 6am to get access to a Pottermore account (and then proceeded to make three more accounts just to make sure I really did belong in Slytherin).
Basically, I'm a Potterhead.
The moment I realized that the Wizarding World of Harry Potter was even a thing, I decided it was my life mission to go there. I would hear stories of friends going there, living my dream, and I would get mad. I wanted to try butterbeer. I wanted to have the wand choose me in Ollivanders. I wanted to go to Hogwarts and Diagonalley and Hogsmeade and take part in the magic that had captivated me for so long.
So when my parents surprised me with a trip to Orlando where I would spend three days at Island of Adventures and Universal Studios, I basically lost it. My dream was finally coming true.
I've done a lot of amazing things in my life and been to many beautiful places. But nothing will ever compare to the moment I saw the castle for the first time. It was truly magical, pun intended. It was like my childhood was coming alive right in front of my eyes. You can read the books and watch the movies and imagine all you want, but actually seeing it in real life will completely rock your world. I dare say it's the most magical place in the world (sorry Disney).
There are so many tiny details that were put into the parks that make the experience that much better. Fans of the series can appreciate every little thing and those who are not as familiar with the boy who lived can still enjoy the atmosphere. I bought my own robes, I drank frozen butterbeer, I walked through the castle, and ate a chocolate frog. I even had a wand choose me in Ollivanders. These are things I could only dream of doing when I was reading the books for the first time.
I love Harry Potter World because it allows us fans to experience the magic in a more tangible way. It brought the world to life, literally. When I think about Harry Potter, I think about the moments I spent wandering around Gringotts or on the cobblestone roads. I reminisce on the interactive and exciting rides that allowed me to be inside the story. I remember the joy I had when I waved my own wand, muttered a spell, and saw something magical happen before my very eyes.
We have all waited years to truly feel like we were a witch or wizard. Some of us will never let go of the magic, and because of Harry Potter World, we don't have to. And for that, I believe the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is truly magical.