For those of you that are not familiar with the college athletics system there are three division in the college athletics. Division I (DI) is the most elite, this group of students is said to be the best at what they do, these students or should I say athletes have the ability to receive a full scholarship. While Division II (DII) students can still receive scholarships they generally don’t receive full rides. Lastly, Division III (DIII) is not allowed to give athletic scholarships at all.
So this is the basic information, however there is more to it, a student’s athletic ability plays a big part in where they decide to play their sport but sometimes not the only thing that is considered. In the NCAA DI schools are generally have more students overall, a larger athletic budget, and more support for athletics. Whereas, DII emphasizes balance between academics and athletics. And lastly, DIII is primarily focused on academics, student-athletes experiences shorter seasons so they are not away from their academics for long.
Being a DIII athlete, I can say that I personally love the experience of a division III school. Some might say I am biased but I have had conversations with people from other divisions. I truly feel that Division III is one of the best. Let me explain why…
For starters, we come to college as STUDENT-athletes, we are students first and athletes second. Yes, I love my sport! However, we go to further our education, we go to get a degree. If I spend all my time on the field how will I excel with my school work. 9 times out of 10 we aren’t going to play our sport competitively again at least not at a professional level, so why should we spend most of our time on the field if I could be learning about my future career?
Being a DIII athlete I have plenty of time to get more involved on campus, for example, I am currently writing this article, but I am also my class treasurer, the treasurer of my schools Exercise Science club, the social chair of my sorority, the Vice President of greek week on my schools greek council, on the board for Ways and Means (which means I help decide what clubs and organizations get money that they requested). If I spent more time playing my sport then I wouldn’t get the chance to do all these wonderful things that helped to shape me into the person I am.
Lastly when I take the field I know I stand next to future lawyers, doctors and engineers and more, I take that field with people that are focused on school and becoming great in their career path. Being on a field most of the time, and traveling far distances makes you miss class. So how is anyone supposed to learn if they miss class for periods of time? I miss practice for class, because school comes first.
I chose Division III because I wanted to meet people that shared my same values. Values that say school is the most important because without it I won’t have a future. I chose DIII to be able to have the freedom to join a sorority and be a student leader and be involved in things. Division III athletics has made a great impact on my life, we are not just athletes, we are STUDENTS, and students will change the world one day!