Christmas: it's the most wonderful time of the year. There is a certain spirit in the air once it is the day after Thanksgiving. People seem to be happier. The streets have a different glow about them. And everything just seems to be better.
There are many reasons as to why I love Christmas. One is the whole atmosphere of Christmas time. I love how people seem happier to see one another. I love how the music in the air is music that nearly everyone knows and sings along to. I love the repeat movies that play over and over on television. It just brings a certain happiness and content among me. It's like a seasonal happiness. One that only the Christmas season can bring.
Another reason I love Christmas time is the memories it brings. Whether they are memories from when you were five or they are memories waiting to happen. Everyone has memories from Christmas. It could be that you remember getting that doll when you six. It could be that you remember getting your first car when you were sixteen. It could be that you remember how much you love that one aunt's green bean casserole or that dessert your cousin makes. Christmas is a time for memories to be made after all.
Another reason I love the Christmas season is the reason we have it. The reason we have it is the most important reason of all. We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. A lot of people tend to forget that and focus more on the gifts. But it is a time when we should come together to celebrate Jesus's birth. I remember being in the church's play of the story of Jesus. It is one of my fondest memories of Christmas time.
I love Christmas. There is no doubt about it. And there are tons of reasons to love it. Everyone has their own, and that is what makes Christmas time so amazing.