Since it's officially been two months since you were taken from this earth, I thought I should remind the world of how amazing you were.
Here's a list of a few of the reasons I loved and always will love Christina.
1. Her sense of humor:
She never took herself seriously. Ever. Not to mention she had the cutest laugh in the world, a sound that I'll always miss. Whether it was making funny videos of her dancing or messing around with her friends for her Youtube channel, you could always catch her laughing.
2. Her Voice:
Obviously, she was incredibly talented. I was blessed to be able to listen to her voice for the last six years.
3: Her Faith:
As Selena Gomez said, "She holds her faith so closely to her, It's not about her religion... it's that she had faith."
She was never afraid to show her love for God, and stayed true to it for her entire career.
4. Her love for Zelda:
She even got me hooked on the Zelda games. She was never afraid to admit she was a gamer. At her home town memorial service, her brother Mark made a speech, and ended it by addressing her as "My player two" which leads me to #5
5. Her relationship with her brother:
They were so close. This was something I had admired since I began watching Christina on Youtube in 2010. Mark even toured with and played guitar on stage with her. Their favorite thing to do was play video games together, and they even had matching tattoos, Mark's said "1P" and Christina's said "2P" for player one and two. When she was shot, Marcus tackled the gunman to the ground without hesitation. He saved so many lives that night, he truly is a hero.
6. She always used her platform to spread awareness:
From talking about bullying, to partnering with the Humane Society of the United States she was always trying to stick up for those who couldn't stick up for themselves.
7. Her Piano Skills:
I don't think many people know this, but Christina taught herself piano, and played every cover by ear! She was really a prodigy, and it will never cease to amaze me that she could hear a song and play it on piano right away, with no help.
8. She didn't need harsh language to get a point across:
Christina never swore or involved inappropriate content, and yet her music was always extremely meaningful. In a world full of music jam packed with profanity, it's refreshing to hear a young artist refrain from swearing and making music dirty.
9. Her Dance Moves:
Christina was always ready to break it down, but most of the time it was just to be goofy.
10. Her Hair Cut:
Long live the poof, she even inspired me to cut her hair like her in 2010. I always wanted to be just like Christina.
11. Her warmth:
This is kind of unexplainable if you weren't a fan of Christina, but something about her just absolutely radiated warmth. It was almost as if she shined, her confidence, her smile, everything about her was just beautiful.
12. Her Kindness:
She was such a gentle, loving soul. Everyone who met her had nothing but nice things to say about her. She was an angel, too beautiful for this earth.
She stayed the same silly Christina that we all know and love for the entirety of her career.
Although I never got to meet Christina, I feel like I know her so well. She was like a big sister to all of us, always reminding us to be ourselves, teaching us it was okay to be different and stand out! She showed us that normal really is incredibly boring, so dance like an idiot and sing really loud because confidence is contagious.
15. Her Love for Team Grimmie:
She whole heartedly loved her fans so much. She even called us her frands- because we were more than just fans, we were friends. She was kind to everyone, and always gave out free meet and greets after shows simply because she wanted to hug everyone and thank them personally for their support. Little did we know, one of these meet and greets would be where her life would end.
I never knew how much you could miss someone you've never met, but Christina I miss you so much. It hurts so bad knowing that you're gone, so bad I can't even explain it. Thank you for all you've ever done for me and the rest of team Grimmie. I'll miss you forever.
As you would always say: Rawk on \l/