When I tell people that I used to bowl competitively, I always get such shocked looks back. "Are you serious?" "That's so you" "Bowling?!" Yes, I'm serious, you're right- its a very 'me' thing to do, and yes.. bowling.
I started bowling when I was 9 years old. After my failed attempts at ballet, softball, and karate- bowling seemed like the next best thing to try. In the 4th grade, you don't really think much about what people will think, you do things for yourself. Maybe we all need to start thinking like 4th graders again.
Anyways, it took a while for me to get the hang of it, but eventually, I became pretty good (without bumpers, if I do say so myself). I had my own ball, my own shoes, my own team, I was a real 'jock' (can you still be a jock if you do bowling?) Once I turned 15, I had to stop being in a league because I got involved with theater. I realized that bowling was more of a hobby and less of a career. But just because I deem it as a hobby doesn't make it any less important to me.
Bowling is one of those things that is a big stress reliever for me. You know how people use adult coloring books? Or they start learning how to knit? I bowl. I leave my anxiety outside of the alley, release my anger through the activity, and I am able to take my mind off of things. Sure, in the moment bowling can be competitive, but at least in this instance, you're angry about a score and not at a misgraded assignment or the MTA. It's not that expensive to go out with a few friends on a Friday night and rent a lane for an hour or two. If I'm being honest, I'd rather spent the night with a few close friends at a bowling alley laughing our asses off than spend a night drunk in a bar with someone crying over something that they won't care about in the morning.
So with finals week coming up (it may be a month away, but we all know it'll creep up on us sooner than we think), find your bowling. Find that hobby that lets you forget about your Environmental Science class, find that activity that makes you forget about your roommate conflicts, put all your stress into something other than stress eating, and do it. There may not always be time for your favorite hobby, but there is always time to calm down. To make yourself sane. To bring yourself back to earth and make you remember that you're alive. Hobbies are little victories that don't count but make you feel good anyways. Find them. Embrace them. Live them.