No matter what religion you practice, no one can deny the fact that the love embedded into the Christian tradition is admirable. 1 Peter 4:8 states, “Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins." Although we will inevitably fail at living a life perfectly reflecting the kindness of Jesus, Christians strive to live a life in which loving people is inherent in day-to-day interactions. When I was on my college search I had a long list of things that I was seeking in a higher educational institution. I wanted to attend a school that had a good ranking, exciting Greek life, a poppin’ nightlife scene, a football team that succeeded, etc. However, I never thought about going to a school with a religious affiliation. By the grace of God I somehow wound up at a Christian university and have realized just how much of an impact this title can have on a university. Here are just some of the commonalities found at Christian campuses that make them unique.
You will find people who genuinely care deeply about you.
In friendships at a Christian school, most of the people are looking to be “intentional” in all of their relationships. People are looking for more than a group of people to go out with on the weekends or to keep one another company so they don’t appear lonely. Many of the people you meet are actually interested in learning all about who you are, what your passions are, and are earnestly seeking ways that they can make your life better by being in it. Because these people are more than surface level friends, you will have a support system of people who are constantly rooting for your success and happiness. The people you meet will be around for more than 4 years; you’ll be able to find people who you know will be with you through it all.
Random acts of kindness are the norm.
You aren’t shocked when you see a person you don’t know smile at you or someone help you carry your groceries inside your home because people are often willing to be kind to strangers and even help them. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen confused families touring my school or new students struggling to make their way around campus and a student offers them directional help. College can get tough. On those days when you know you’re going to be staying up until 3 a.m., studying and shedding too many tears, it's always a game changer when you see a random person simply smile in your direction and it makes you relax a little bit. It’s easy to see the heart of Jesus reflected in the way the students treat one another, whether they be best friends or strangers.
Everyone you meet will know someone you know.
Because of how common it is to introduce yourself to people and make an effort to go out into the world and make meaningful friendships, your school becomes a true community. Every person you meet will have some sort of connection to someone who you know. It’s comforting to meet someone who already knows people you know. You instantly have one thing in common, you can almost guarantee they aren’t a sketchy person, and having your friends become friends rocks.
Your professors treat you like an individual.
Although there are still those auditorium classes where you will feel very lost in the crowd, professors enjoy getting to know their students on a more personal level. They make a serious effort to make themselves available to students and enjoy becoming involved in their students’ lives. You could go into a professor’s office to ask for help on an economics problem and walk out talking about your weekend travel plans. And it isn’t uncommon that you’ll eventually meet a professor’s children or spouse by the end of the semester.
You’re surrounded by a community of people who are constantly pushing you to seek the Lord.
People are constantly inviting you to life group, inviting you to church on Sunday, or even just offering to pray for you. There’s nothing better than being surrounded by a community of people who truly want what’s best for you and want you to experience the glory of God’s kingdom
It doesn’t just feel like college… it feels like home.
During breaks from school you can’t wait to go back to college because it is more than going back to all of your friends…it’s going back to your second family.