When I first began my long distance experience I was incredibly nervous and not too thrilled about it. Most long distance relationships start with one going to college or getting a new job. You have one of two choices at that point. Tough it out and see if it works or breakup. It doesn't matter if you're a couple of hours apart, states, or in a whole different country, long distance is long distance. Here is why it is oh so worth it if this person is the one you truly love. Distance means so little when someone means so much.
1. When you finally get to see each other, it's more special than usual.
The moment when you finally get to see each other is like falling in love all over again. When you get to spend this time together, you realize how you used to take it for granted. Even if you are just having a Netflix date, it is still so exciting!
2. There comes a time when your heart will just hurt and it makes you realize how in love you truly are.
When you truly miss someone, it shows you how much you care about that person.
3. You get creative on talking to each other since you can't see each other face to face whenever you want.
You are forced to have great communication. Whether it be texting, phone calls, letters, or FaceTime dates, communication is so important. Through the long distance journey, you learn you don't have to talk to each other 24-7. #hotlinebling
4. You always have something to look forward to.
When you get to see each other every couple of weeks you usually make plans to do something awesome and even if you don't, a simple pizza night in will be something you mark on your calendar.
5. Surprise visits are life.
The best feeling in the world is when they show up unannounced just because they miss you!
6. Time difference? Psh... I've got this down pat.
Whether it be across the country or across the world you've managed to make it work.
7. True love knows no distance.
If you love each other, and I mean TRULY love each other, being in two different places won’t matter. Distance will not tear you apart because you won’t let it. You find ways to make it work.
8. The longer you have to wait for something, the more you appreciate it.
Just like when you're at the restaurant and waiting for the food to come, that moment you see the server coming to your table, yeah that's the same feeling.
9. Faith
Having faith in someone or something is having confidence in what you have without having to see it.
10. Of course, it's going to be hard and you're going to miss each other, but if you're truly meant for each other, it will work. You always have the future to look forward to.
Share this with your loved one and let them know that even when times get hard, everything happens for a reason and what's meant to be will find it's way.