My boyfriend and I had been dating for a little bit over a year when we left Maryland to go our separate ways for college. He was going to Oklahoma State and I was going to LSU -- both about 20 hours from home, and 10 hours from each other.
My biggest pet peeve when telling people about our long distance relationship was when they would ask, “Well, are you guys going to stay together?” Why wouldn’t we? What’s the difference in being 10 minutes apart and 10 hours? Just because we are leaving each other, does not mean that the feelings between us are leaving, too.
I believe that being far away from each other has helped me a lot through my freshman year. The first reason is that we were both so far from home, so when one of us is homesick we already know the other person is, too. It also gives you something to look forward to. Brennan and I travel back and forth to each other about once a month, and it always seems to fly by. We cannot believe our first semester is almost over. The last thing that always helps me is the motivation we give each other. When you have two exams, two papers, and have to study, it is hard for your parents to really understand how hard it is. It is great to have someone who is doing the same exact thing to help you through it.
It sucks to constantly miss someone and want to share the same college experience with them, but seeing each other and sharing memories is almost better. My advice would be to at least try your relationship before you just break it off for absolutely no reason other than negativity you hear from other people. I am not saying it is going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it if you love each other.