“You just need to worry about the documents. The rest your relative will take care!” - This is the case for several students, especially international ones, that will live with a relative for college. But is this really the best to leave everything to the host, your relative?
Will your relatives take care of “the rest”? Yes; most likely they will feed you with three meals a day, give you a room, drive you to school, etc., as long as they receive your “cost of living” fees.
Not kidding. Everybody has their own life, and living is hard. You may think, “We are relatives! Why are you calculating these mundane things?” In fact, these mundane things are not mundane at all. Think of the cost of food, toiletries, electricity, water, gas. Think of the bills you will have to take care of if you live alone.
Ask yourself, how well do you know your relatives? Are you close enough that they are willing to clean up after your mess just like your parents are? Living at someone’s house is not like living at home. We all will have to take care of ourselves, because no one can do so better than we do. Don’t just leave “the rest” to your relatives, because at the end of the day, it’s your own problem.
Money is a big deal, but it’s not the only big deal. Living together is also an issue. A conflict with relatives will be awkward. Special warning: the fridge is often the mecca for dissatisfaction!
Remember, your parents are asking your relatives to care for you, which means, in most cases, you are being watched. You are just moving from your family’s curfews to your relatives’ family’s curfews. What’s more, you can’t live like you are at home, because your parents are way more tolerant of your behaviors than anyone is, including your relatives. Some day your relatives may come up and complain you are showering way too long, using way too much data, consuming way too much electricity, and so on.
On the bright side, if your relatives love you, then hey, they may not be to fastidious of money!
Living with a relative is much more complicated that it may sound. Once you are an adult, people expect you to be responsible for your life. Don’t hesitate to rent and share a house with other friends if you find living with a relative too hard :)