As if anyone needed a list of reasons why Lil Dicky would be the perfect boyfriend, I figured that we could have one just for appreciation. At 27, he isn't a creepy, much older celebrity age than most of us college girls, @BradPitt. He's attainable, attractive, intelligent, and the perfect guy to take home to mom and dad for Passover. He started working out of college at an advertising firm, then realized his bigger dreams of being a rapper. #GoalOriented. With hits like, "Save Dat Money" and "Lemme Freak", he relates to us Jewish girls looking for our NJB. His tours, "Looking for Love" and "(Still) Looking for Love" literally gives me so much hope. I'm right here, babe!
He’s an NJB, what more could you ask for?
There's no need to be embarrassed about your older relatives saying weird things at Passover dinner, because he just gets it. He's smart and comes from a good family, everything your persistent mother could ask for. He had me at "Jewish Flow".
His Killer Dance Moves
You won't be the only one tearing up the floor when your song comes on. When you're busting out the goofy running man, he'll be right by your side rocking his sick moves. Within two months of a relationship you two will have choreographed dances to break out at clubs and Bar Mitzvahs to wow the crowds.
His Super Attainable Bod
Lil Dicky is the type of guy to watch what he eats all day, then pigs out at night and orders 3 pizzas for himself. When you two are dating you can believe both of your fridges will be stocked with Ben & Jerry's, Chinese takeout, and straight up blocks of cheese. He seems like a cheese guy.
He's Such A Sweetheart
He's the type of guy to call you immediately after meeting him, and to cuddle on the couch watching RomCom's with you for hours. When you get mad at him for not wearing the new quarter zip you bought him, he'd do anything to make you forgive him.
His Sense of Style
An unlimited supply of jerseys that we love to see northern boys wearing, and those comfy plaids you can borrow snuggle in whenever. He wouldn't hesitate to match you at a date function or wear a tux to formal. I love it, love him, love his laid-back style.
Just look, irresistible.
The point I've been getting to is... Lil Dicky, I'm the nice jewish girl you've been searching for.