10 Reasons Lifelong Friends Are The Best
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10 Reasons Lifelong Friends Are The Best

Only the lucky ones have the same friend in all stages of life.

10 Reasons Lifelong Friends Are The Best
Jade Christian

A lifelong friend is quite possibly the very best friend there is. I've been lucky enough to have two lifelong friends. I cannot even imagine where I would be if I hadn't had those two by my side all these years. I can honestly say that God hand-picked them just for me and placed them in my life at an early age. Here are just a few reasons why they are — in my book — the absolute best type of friend there is:

1. They've been part of your life as long as you can remember.

My lifelong best friends, Hanna and Jade, have seriously been a part of my life as long as I can remember, especially Hanna. We were born only a week apart, and I'd say we've been BFF's since diapers. Plus, our parents grew up together (her mom and my dad were even college neighbors), we grew up in the same church and went to the same schools from preschool through high school. So when I say that I can't remember a time that she wasn't in my life, I'm not exaggerating.

2. They have been there for every important moment or milestone.

This is possibly because we've met most important milestones (graduations, birthdays, etc.) together, but still, you get the point. I even had my first travel abroad experience with them in England, Ireland and Wales. I wouldn't have wanted to share these special moments with anybody else, anyway.

3. Nobody gets you like they do.

They know everything about you and everything you've been through. Hell, they might even know you better than you know yourself. When I have a bad day, I typically don't even have to say anything before they know that something is wrong — they can just tell, which is pretty incredible. It's like a sixth sense.

4. You know exactly how to cheer each other up.

My friend, Hanna, recently had a really bad day between her boyfriend having to take a job in another state and a really tough nursing school test, which she ended up acing. I'll be the first to tell you that I'm not the best person to comfort you in a situation like this because I'm super awkward and not overly talkative. However, I knew that stopping to get her a slice of cake from her favorite bakery on my way home from school for the weekend might at least cheer her up a little. It was a success. At least, I feel like it was.

5. Our friendship(s) might seem odd to others sometimes, but that's OK.

We often joke that our friendship revolves around food. Seriously, the three of us went out of town on a shopping trip and spent our money on nothing but food, which is a little crazy, considering we were surrounded by some great stores. We started off at Burger King before we even left town, made a pit stop at the Cinnabon place, had a four-course dinner at a fancy restaurant and went to the fudge place. What can I say...we're foodies.

We also tend to have the strangest conversations and don't care to discuss anything and everything with each other. Those who overhear our conversations in public are likely skeptical, but that's OK.

6. There's no such thing as privacy

We know everything, and I do mean everything, about each other. We are very nosy and think that each other's business is our own. This might seem crazy to you, but I'm used to it by this point. After all, this is how it's been for as long as I can remember (see number one). I'm honestly a little grateful for this because they always help me out and give me their opinions whether I want them to or not.

7. You gain a sibling.

I'm honestly surprised that they aren't in any of the family photos in my house, considering they are always around. If I'm home from school, at least one of them is at my house. We may not always do anything besides watch TV or eat, but where you find one you will find another. Sometimes they are even at my house when I'm not even there. You might find this creepy, but it's normal for me to walk in my house and find them sitting on the couch. Also, I think there was actually a photo in the local newspaper where Hanna filled in for my actual sister at a local festival. To be fair, they do look similar. Nonetheless, they really are my other sisters. We even bicker like siblings, but at the end of the day, I know they are always going to be there for me.

8. We keep it real.

Even if that means that we are brutally honest. But what would a true friend be if they weren't there to tell you when you're acting over-emotional, your outfit looks ridiculous or that you need to pull it together? We definitely don't hesitate before telling each other these things. It might take each other aback at first, but in the end, we are thankful for the honesty.

9. You are each other's biggest fans.

You are always there to cheer each other on. This has become more difficult within the last four years since we all three go to different schools (mine in a different state). However, just because we may not be physically there for everything, that doesn't mean that we don't call or text each other to wish good luck before a big test, presentation, job interview, game, etc. But there are those times that we can still make it to cheer each other on from the crowd. I was able to make it to a couple of basketball games to watch Hanna cheer, as well as to Jade's nursing school graduation.

10. Distance doesn't make a difference.

Like I said before, we all went different directions for college, and our careers might possibly take us apart again. But does this make a difference? Not at all. We always pick up right where we left off. Besides, not a day goes by where we don't have some form of communication.

I'm so thankful for my lifelong best friends, and I have no clue what I'd do or where I'd be without them. We've been through thick and thin together and shared countless, priceless memories and good times. There's nobody else I'd rather cruise through town, eat ice cream and watch Netflix with on the weekends than you all.

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