While most people are excited for the festivities of Mardi Gras coming up, they do not pay any mind to the true meaning. Mardi Gras is not just for partying, eating king cake, and parading around town in colorful costumes. Mardi Gras is celebrations between Three King's day and Ash Wednesday that prepare us for Lent. Three King's day celebrates the revelation of God in human form and Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the Lenten season
Every Ash Wednesday, even days leading up to it, you hear, “I’m giving up soda” or, “I’m giving up cursing.” However, Lent is not just a forty day break of something that we plan to continue after Easter Sunday. The true meaning of Lent and “giving up” something is giving up something for Him, who gave it all. Forty days represent the days Christ spent fasting in the desert before giving His life for us. Lent is for sacrificing something for our Savior who sacrificed His life for us. No one said it would be easy, but the Lenten season is a time to grow closer to God.
Although Lent is for us to sacrifice something, we should also commit to doing a little extra as well. Whether it is participating in a Bible study every week, helping a family in need, or giving more to the Church, we should do a little extra to grow closer to God.
Lent gives us 40 days to truly ask God for guidance and forgiveness. It is a chance to stay away from distractions and temptations so we can grow closer to Him. While Lent is a big deal, so is what it is preparing us for, Easter.
Easter is not for getting a basket of candy and dying eggs. Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Christ Jesus. It is indeed a joyous holiday. It is an ending of a sacrifice made during Lent and celebrating the resurrection of our Savior!
While partying and celebrating Mardi Gras is fun, keep in mind the true meaning as we prepare for the Lenten season.