Moving onto campus is one of the most exciting things you could imagine doing. Meeting the people in your hall, having a great roommate, being your own boss; it’s a great experience. On the other hand, as you transition into a new chapter, so do your parents. Don’t forget that leaving them is harder on them than it is on you.
Sure, you lost your own bed and the comfort of your mom’s cooking, but they lost one of their best friends. They aren't going to have any one to go grocery shopping with anymore or to help them water the flowers. Your world got turned upside down when you moved in, but theirs did too when you moved out.
My point is, when they call you, answer. Don’t blow your mom off when she wants to call you at night. Let you dad know how you did on that hard test you were talking about. They are going to want to hear from you, and it won't always be at the most convenient times. In fact, if your parents are anything like mine, it'll almost always be the worst possible timing. But we’re just entering into the next chapter, and they are too. We’re all still learning how to get through these next few years, so if you can, just go easy on them. Every parent and child has a different relationship, and no one in college is going to make fun of you for stepping out of the room to go talk to your mom. I know it seems excessive, and maybe it even is, but they love you. And it’s always comforting to know that someone out there wants to know that you're okay, because it’s a privilege, and that kind of love doesn't occur with anyone else.