When you feel like celebrating the end of the school week, there’s no better place to do that than a bar. You deserve a drink after working hard, especially right now at the end of all the midterms.
When you’re looking to go out and have some fun in the Bloom, look no further than Kirkwood. When your friends want to go out in Bloomington, the obvious destination is KOK. Kilroy’s on Kirkwood has become an icon synonymous with the glory of old IU, and for good reason.
1. Free shirts. Where else on earth are you going to pay $3 cover and get a free t-shirt? It feels like they’re paying you to come there! The really hardcore people wear their shirts the next day, and some put them on right away.
2. Breadsticks. Good lord. These aren’t just regular breadsticks, friends, oh no. These breadsticks are made of happiness and love, not to mention stuffed with loads of pepperoni and cheese. Scrumptious.
3. Two Dolla Holla. I can go out on a Tuesday night, when in all honesty I should be working on homework, and get a Long Island Iced Tea for $2. Things like that make me question how I lived life without KOK. I’m getting thirsty just thinking about it.
4. Seeing everyone you’ve ever met. Being an active member of the Greek community, I can’t walk five feet in Roy’s without seeing someone I know. It’s so cool to run into friends, old and new alike, and catching up. Plus, seeing that quiet kid in your Spanish class raging never gets old.
5. But also there’s so many new people. The people-watching at this place is unbelievable. If you’re lucky, you might just run into a bar crawl too. Watching 10 drunk people in costume doing horribly embarrassing things is priceless. And not actually embarrassing your self? Even better.
6. The Wheel of Shots. Many new 21-year-olds are forced (through peer pressure) to spin the wheel. Every slice on the wheel has a different type of shot on it, and it’s your spin that decides your destiny…or doom.
7. Kilroy’s owns everything. Like, most of the other bars in Bloomington. You’re at Dunnkirk but you really want a $3 Long Island Iced Tea? Not a problem.
8. The inclusion. You see all types at Roy’s. Young, old, students, townies, professors, you name it. Not only that, but you can wear a T-shirt and leggings and no one bats an eye, which is really nice when you’re not feeling so hot but still want your shirt.
9. It’s the only place on earth where you’ll happily stand in lines for hours. Shirts, Breakfast Club on game days, or even just trying to get up to the bar on a Saturday night, you’ll be standing in a line the whole time. And while at other places this may be super annoying, you’re happy to do it at Roy’s, because hey, it’s the best bar on earth.
If you think your campus has a better bar, THINK AGAIN. #KOK #2dollaholla