In its most basic form, kinesiology is simply the study of human movement. It stems from the Greek root word ‘kinesis’ which means movement and the English suffix ‘ology’ meaning the study of. While all of this is true, kinesiology is so much more. As a college major, kinesiology opens doors to a multitude of specializations including physical and occupational therapy, exercise science, dentistry and so much more. Some schools even consider dance and physical education to be a part of the kinesiology department.
So why am I even talking about this? What’s the point? Let’s start with why I chose a major in kinesiology. Growing up, I always knew that working one-on-one with people is the only way I could survive the real world. Let’s be honest, I can hardly sit still long enough to paint my nails, let alone have a big girl job that included sitting behind a desk on the computer all day. I juggled my options for a long time, switching from teacher to nurse, doctor to athletic trainer and back again. My original decision was made my junior year of high school when I worked as a student athletic trainer and quickly fell in love with the fast paced and passion oriented environment that I found in the training room. However, once I realized that blood and compound fractures maybe weren’t my favorite, I found that the kinesiology department offered me so many options and I realized that my passion lies in occupational therapy.
You’re still probably wondering why the heck I’m writing this and asking yourself why you’re still reading. For starters, I got tired of people asking me “what the heck is that?” when I tell them my major. However, I’m primarily writing this for my readers’ sake. With all of the upcoming high school graduations and soon to be new college students, on top of the many college students—in fact, almost half of all college students that are undecided about their major—I figured I’d take the opportunity to promote kinesiology and all of the great things hiding behind that scary word.
So, let me tell you why you too should consider majoring in kinesiology. For starters, it’s a great way to help others on a daily basis! How amazing would it be to know that you are the reason that someone had a full recovery after surgery or learned to walk after being told their chances were one in a million? Kinesiology also offers you a way of being somewhat undecided while also having a focus. Most programs offer you a focused course list but the real decision doesn’t really happen until you apply for gradate school. Finally, kinesiology is an amazing way to find a high tempo, hands on career that you don’t dread waking up for every morning.
In kinesiology, I found more than just a future job, I found a future career. I found my passion and found true excitement to see what my future has in store. No matter what major you choose (although I recommend kinesiology), I hope that you can do the same.