Cigarette smoking and lung cancer are highly correlated. As a society, we know that for the most part and the cigarette trend has decreased. With the decrease of cigarette smoking has come an increase in vaping and particularly in college towns the use of something called JUULs.
A JUUL is just a trendy vape brand. Their website's page reads: "The smoking alternative, unlike any E-cigarette or Vape." It probably reads that because using a JUUL can actually deliver more nicotine to your body than many other e-cigs.
Nicotine is the addictive component, so of course, as a company who does not care about your health and only wants your money, JUUL is going to have more nicotine in hopes that you get hooked, and buy more and more.
Vaping is NOT a proven, healthier alternative to smoking. It's very new and a lot of research has begun and must continue to be done. What we do know is that one JUULpod contains roughly the same amount of nicotine as a pack of cigarettes. Remember, nicotine is the culprit of what leads to addiction.
In addition to nicotine, JUULs and other vape products may contain a chemical called diacetyl. Diacetyl is a chemical found in some of the flavors that may be used and is known to cause bronchiolitis obliterans which is basically holes in the air sacs of your lungs.
So let's say you know that a JUUL is dangerous to your health but for whatever reason, you decide to purchase/continue to use one regardless. It's one thing for YOU to be taking in the nicotine and it's a whole nother issue to subject others to that. Just like cigarette smoking, smoking a JUUL also creates secondhand smoke. (Basically, your decision to use a JUUL can harm the lungs of innocent people/ animals.)
The bottom line is that nicotine is toxic and addictive-no matter how it is delivered to you. A JUUL is not better for you. It's probably one of the most dangerous vapes on the market. Don't fall into the peer pressure/lie/culture of vaping. Life, especially in college can be rough, but I encourage you to find a healthier alternative to deal with stress or whatever the reason is that may make you want to partake in vaping.