1. It's helped me make friends.
Every sister is someone who I can count on and know that they have my back. I would trust any of them with anything. They are the family that I have made away from my hometown. That is what's truly special about joining a sorority.
2. It has helped me become involved around campus.
Being in a sorority has opened my eyes into the world of opportunity that Murray State offers it's students. There are tons of clubs and organizations to join and hold roles in. I'm involved with a few outside my sorority. Our Study Abroad club is one of the main ones.
3. It's helped me maintain my GPA.
From working in my apartment to studying with sisters in the library I'm always doing school work. Joining a sorority I have had encouragement and purpose to maintain my good grades. They push me to do my hardest and when I don't understand something I always have someone there who does.
4. I've learned to take leadership roles.
Without being in a sorority my leadership skills on Murray State's campus wouldn't be where they are today. I have taken many roles outside of my sorority including in our Study Abroad club and within the Panhellenic community on campus. I have also held office in my sorority which is a great way to learn and connect with the community.
5. It has helped me become who I am today.
I don't think I would be the person I am today without the help of my sorority and my sisters. I also can be who I am and there's no need to pretend to be something I am not. I have changed in many beneficial and great ways. I love who I am today and joining a sorority has helped me get there.