If you had asked me my opinion of Greek Life during high school, I would have most likely laughed in your face. The thought of conforming to the system and spending all that time with women just seemed a little unsettling to me. I didn't grow up a traditional girly-girl, and It didn't dawn on me to do sorority recruitment until the summer before my freshman year; when thinking about my new journey, I wondered "HOW am I gonna make friends?" At that moment I decided to suck up my pride and asked my mom to sign me up for formal sorority recruitment, which would take place in August.
I was incredibly nervous going in, and to be honest, the first couple of months were a little rocky. I felt unsure about my decision because I didn't immediately click with any of the women, and I felt like an outsider. After being in my chapter for almost 8 months now, I can confidently say that the choice I made last August has been the most influential decision of my collegiate career.
Through this chapter, I have felt inspired by the group of women that I surround myself with because they all bring such different and meaningful strengths to the table. In the past, I have had friends who love and support me. But I have never experienced the level of friendship (sisterhood, if you will) that I feel with these women. It is so refreshing to walk into an area and know that your presence is needed/valued. My sisters compliment my physical attributes, but also internal characteristics such as my dedication to school and my compassion for others. I feel as though I am wanted and needed in this community, which has never been expressed so outwardly before.
Another aspect of my life that has improved because of my chapter is my work ethic. In the past, I have not been the most driven and sometimes I find it difficult to find motivation. Being surrounded by powerful and intelligent leaders has inspired me to reach out more in the community. I am encouraged by my sisters to apply for different positions, but even small acts such as going to a professor's office hours. I currently have 2 positions within my chapter and am looking to get more involved within the Greek community. No matter if the situation is work or personal, the women I surround myself with encourage me to be the best version of myself.
Because Florida State is such a large campus, it can be intimidating to walk around to classes and not recognize a single person. Being in a sorority has made the campus feel less large and frightening; when I see a sister on campus I get so excited and run over to see her! It's comforting to know that I have a group of women who I can spot from far away from just three letters on their shirt.
From all the experiences of my freshmen year thus far, the most influential decision has been to join Alpha Gamma Delta at Florida State. This community of women has provided me with a home, both the physical structure and the idea of a family. I have friends who genuinely care about my wellbeing, and will ask how my quiz was or why I seem distant. If I don't bring my bubbly and social personality to dinner, a friend will ask me how my day is going and why I seem a little down. It is truly the small efforts that made me fall in love with my chapter and all the resources that they provide. I am so thankful to have found my gang of women, and I hope that you join a chapter and find the same experiences.
An older sister told me something during my new member period, and I think it's applicable to all aspects of life. She said: "you get out of Alpha Gam what you put in." So after receiving this message and trying to adjust my priorities, I began to hang out at the house more and made a true effort to get to know my sisters. Soon after, I opened my eyes to a community of women who care about my wellbeing and value my presence. It seemed almost overnight, but I quickly made friends and formed a bond with them. My sisters would shout my name when I walked in the room or would text me for a late-night library date. Now, I have a great circle of women whom I know I can always count on and trust for advice. I feel so loved from this community and am so blessed to be a member of Alpha Gam. No matter what chapter you decide to join, I hope that you go into it with open hands, heart, and mind. Because if you truly give your all to your chapter, I promise it will be returned and so much more.