I am appalled. I am hurt. I am aching; yet I am hopeful.
The incidents that have occurred surrounding just one month’s time, are beyond any words I can muster.
To hear that a rapist, someone who intentionally penetrated the body, and soul, of a young woman who was incapable of standing up for herself and her body, was let off with a sentence of six months, is heartbreaking.
To hear that a singer, a girl of 22, someone who was giving back to the world in a way that gave no pain, no fear, and no anger, was shot and killed, because someone felt like ending this beautiful girl’s life, is heartbreaking.
To hear that a community of people, individuals who were trying to enjoy themselves, trying to express who they are, and most importantly loving who they are, were killed by someone who feared that their love was, and still is, stronger than his ability to accept, is heartbreaking.
To hear that I live in a world where change has not been put into effect, no matter how many times history repeats itself, is heartbreaking.
I cannot begin to find the words I need to express how heavy my heart is. I cannot begin to understand the amount of pain both families, and individuals have been forced to feel. I cannot begin to imagine the fear that people, my God decrees my brothers and sisters, have felt.
I am heartbroken.
But I am hopeful.
I am hopeful that love will win. I am hopeful that my God, my neighbors’ god, the disbelievers, and the accused’s gods, will bring a new life - a new hope. I am hopeful that our society will not sit idly by as our innocent people fall at the hands of another conflicted, and pained individual.
I am hopeful that there is a new world coming. A world where our nation is truly proud to be an American, because where there is pain, there is also healing; and where there is healing, there is love.
Love is not something we should fear. It is something we should accept. Love comes in all forms, all sizes, and all races. Love holds no boundaries, love holds no guilt, love holds no pain.
Love always wins.
“In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death. I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too, I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again.” -Anne Frank