We’re taught from a young age that being scared of change is a bad thing - a debilitating thing. And just recently I’ve come to notice that being scared of change is not only normal but expected. Upon ending my internship today, as I logged out of my computer for the last time and pushed in my chair for the last time, I realized just that…it was the last time. As I closed the door to my then office, I realized I would probably never be opening that same door again. Sometimes in life - this is the best thing a person can do. But either way…
Change is coming, whether it be a change in season or a change in habit or even a change in hair color - it’s natural and very much okay to feel like you’re going to be lost - because at the beginning, maybe you will be. This is the perfect time to take a step back and see how far you’ve come and at the same time, realize how much further you still need to go. The path is never easy, but they always say it’ll be worth it.
As I closed my car door and drove toward the exit, the gates opened and I realized I probably wouldn’t be coming through these gates again. With the new school year coming around, I’ll be going through new “gates” and new places. And this frightens me. I used to think that being afraid of the first day of school made me weak, and sometimes I still do. However, I’m learning to take those feelings and realize that fearing change is probably the most natural thing a person can feel.
A very smart man once told me that "if you’re not nervous, there is nothing worth it on the line.” This quote rings throughout my head occasionally during the day and even when I start to feel lost, his words bring me back again. If you ever read this, thank you for that.
The people in my life lift me up when I’ve forgotten how and whether the change is something major or minor, I know I always have the support I need.
So whether you’re closing some door, or driving a path for the last time - it’s okay to be afraid, it’s okay to wonder what will happen in the next few minutes. Just take a deep breath, and jump. Or you’ll always stay in the same place.
Here’s to the changes everybody will be facing; to all the new paths you’ll travel and the doors you’ll close and maybe never open again…to the people you’ll say goodbye to and the ones who will get a hello. Always remember that whatever you’re feeling, you’re doing just fine and the best is still ahead of you.