In this day and age, girls tend to believe that they have to have a man or someone else in their life to make them feel whole. I was one of those girls not that long ago and I thank God every day that I'm not anymore. Ladies, it's OK to be your own hero. It's OK to be your own person. It's OK to live your life for you and nobody else. It's OK to be selfish. It's OK to accept nothing less than what you deserve and here's why.
1. "Your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore." - Lady Gaga
Ladies. Stop believing in the old "the man is the breadwinner in the relationship" bullsh*t. Focus on what you want to do for a living. Go out and make your own money. Do not depend on a man to make you feel whole and secure. Focus on your career and make enough money that you'll never have to rely on a man to live comfortably.
2. When you settle you really end up with less than what you settled for.
A lot of times, people tend to settle for someone because they're comfortable around that person. Step outside of your comfort zone! Be young, have fun, remember to always think about yourself and what you deserve before you think about anything else. If someone isn't treating you the way you want to be treated, leave. It may seem like the hardest thing to do in the moment, but I promise it'll be worth it.
3. Never let your fear decide your fate.
I know a lot of girls are afraid to be alone. They're afraid to not have someone to rely on, to make them feel good about themselves. When you let this fear dictate your life choices, you're really just downgrading. Just because you're scared to be alone doesn't mean you fall for every person that gives you attention. Really look deep down inside that person and ask yourself, "could I survive without them?"... if the answer is yes, then let them go. If the answer is no... hold them tight.
Ladies, the days where women relied on men for everything are gone. Stop doing it. Stop feeding their egos. Stop letting them think that we (women) cannot survive without them, because we can. Learn to survive on your own without a man being there to give you what you need. Go out, hustle, work hard, and get it yourself so when it's all said and done, you don't need anything from anyone because you worked and got it yourself.