Vulnerable. Just reading the word can stir many emotions. Growing up, I never wanted to be associated with the word. I was the oldest in my family and had an idea that being vulnerable meant you were weak, unable to overcome or control things. As I grow up, I have learned that the mindset I once had was completely wrong. Being vulnerable about my struggles and emotions helped me find support and comfort. Being vulnerable does not equal being weak. Today, the strongest people I know once showed vulnerability.
This is what I have learned about being vulnerable and why it's okay to be vulnerable.
1. It opens up the floor for others to be comfortable with being vulnerable.
When someone opens up about things they are going through or struggling with, it makes it so much easier to share things you might be going through. The best way to help someone could be by showing vulnerability. Being vulnerable is a way to grow closer to people on a deeper level. People will love you even in your brokenness. No one is perfect, no one has everything worked out. Let’s stop acting like we all do.
2. It shows courage.
If you can remember a time someone was vulnerable with you, I am positive that your first thought was not that they showed weakness. When someone puts away their pride and image that they have it all together, it shows immense strength. It’s not easy to let people in on things that are going on in your life. Letting people see that you do not have it all together also shows courage. Being vulnerable is a true sign of courage and it's all about putting yourself out there to help others.
3. It empowers other.
When you take that first step and share problems in your life with someone, it truly empowers others to do the same. You might be that sign that they need to share things going on in their lives with others. It is so encouraging and comforting to know that you are not alone. Others might be able to obtain strength to get help because they see that you got help.
It's OK to be vulnerable. It really is. No, it doesn’t show weakness, if anything it shows strength and courage. You are an important human being that doesn’t always have to have it all together. Remember that.