I am definitely more of a listener than I am a talker. That's just me. And let me just say, this world can be a pretty hard place for a listener sometimes. Can anyone else relate? Society seems to have placed outgoing people as the "norm," making us more reserved people the weird outliers that can't quite be accepted. Does anyone else feel that way? I struggled with feelings of insecurity for quite a while (and still do sometimes!). It seemed that everywhere I turned, I was always the quietest one in the group. I felt awkward and misunderstood. Something had to be wrong with me. It seemed like such a simple thing - talking - but it just didn't come as naturally for me as it did others.
Throughout the years, God showed me that, yep, He made me to be more quiet than others. But, unlike what I thought, it wasn't a hindrance to me. It wasn't a disease that I had to deal with or a bug that I needed to get over. He would not give me such a trait so deeply part of who I am if He didn't want it to be there. And you know what? If you're reading this and feel that you were made to be more quiet, too, He did not "curse" you with quietness either. Even though it seems so backward compared to what we're taught in society, quietness is a strength. It's a blessing.
I think the world needs listeners more than ever right now. There are so many hurting people that need someone to vent or cry with. That's where we come in! Think how the world would be without anyone listening. What would happen if we were all just talking at each other? Think of all the things that wouldn't get done. Think of all the people that wouldn't feel actually heard or understood. I don't know about you, but that's not a world I'd want to live in! Quietness is definitely one of those invisible glues that holds everything together. The sad part is, though, is the fact that it is invisible and it does get overlooked. Sometimes it even gets criticized. I know there are people that think if you're quiet it's because you have nothing to say. Or it's because you're not comfortable with yourself. Or, it's just some immaturity or weakness that you need to step out of. But it's so not that.
If you're like me, and you've struggled with accepting your quietness, know this: quietness is not a mistake. It's not a weakness. It's not something we have to deal with or fight or overcome. I've never really liked that phrase "coming out of your shell." Sometimes, you know what? We don't need to. We don't have to always be suddenly comfortable talking to everyone we meet. Quietness is not some hindering shell to be born with just like being outgoing is not some plague. Never think you're less than because you don't talk as much as that guy or girl sitting next to you. If we're taught to judge how successful or effective or interesting we are by the number of people we talk to, I think that's pretty pathetic, don't you? Life is about more than participating in as many conversations as you can.
There's going to be times when we feel insecure or awkward or different, but we cannot let those little moments define quietness. These moments are mere bumps in the road that come with being quiet - not definers of it. Quietness is such an amazing quality and responsibility to have that I think we're given checks to stay humble in the form of these feelings of insecurity sometimes! :) Though we don't see it or can't imagine it, I'm sure there are challenges with being outgoing, too. We're all in the same boat - even though it may feel like we're thousands of oceans away. We're all people and we're all given different strengths. Quietness is one of those. Don't ever let anyone tell you different.