For most, saying goodbye brings about feelings of sadness and discontentment, but me – I am thankful for goodbyes. It has taken me a very long time to realize that they are something to be thankful for, but God has shone so much light on this subject for me and I feel like it is something I should share. Time has held a grasp on me and the comfort in knowing was a false hope that I held entirely too close to my heart. The truth is: we never know when the last goodbye will be. And what is sad is that statement is something that holds way too much prevalence. What is hopeful in that statement is the amount of hellos that await following those goodbyes; even if it doesn’t make it any easier.
Saying goodbye to habits is hard.
My hardest habit to break has been biting my nails. I realize how absolutely disgusting that is, but it has been a nervous habit of mine since I can remember. I know it is something small and seemingly insignificant, but throughout this time of self-finding and growing in Christ it has become something for me to think over. God gives us the strength to overcome little habits like chewing on our nails, twisting our hair, etc.; He also provides the strength to conquer more serious habits too. I looked within God’s love to say goodbye to something that was bothering me in order to make room for more positive things in my life to come.
Christ’s love helps us say goodbye.
Saying goodbye to friends is hard.
I lost a very close friend in high school because we let something come between us and never tried to make it better. It was sad; I was sad. I let it make me someone I was not. I made mistakes, and so did he. I couldn't even tell you whose fault it was because honestly there isn't anyone who
owns the blame. Life went on, and we both live completely different lives now. It was so hard to lose this person, but God let him leave my life.
I had to say goodbye to the people I grew up with when we went our separate ways for college. It was incredibly difficult to leave the people who I was so comfortable with; it was tough to know I would most likely never see some of them ever again. They were no longer supposed to be a part of my life – it was time to say goodbye.
Christ’s love helps us say goodbye.
Saying goodbye to someone you love is hard.
Whether it be through a breakup, a move, or even a death, saying goodbye to someone that you love is especially difficult. It is not our place to say when someone's time with us or on Earth is done; it is something that we will never have the ability to control. What we can control is where we put our faith and we can know who controls our future. As I am sure anyone can relate to, I have said goodbye to some people when I honestly couldn't bear to do so. I have had heartbreak; one of my best friends moved 12 hours away. I have dealt with the loss of family members and friends just as I am sure every one of you have and every one of you will continue to all of your life.
It is something that I cannot begin to wrap my mind around, this whole being here one second and then gone the next; it is something that maybe I am never supposed to fully understand. For the curious, information-craving person that I am, that is simply not enough. BUT, what is enough is knowing that it is my God who decides when our time on this planet is up; it is you and I who decide what we do with those seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, given to us. It is us who decide the life we live and whom we live it for.
Christ’s love helps us say goodbye and it also helps us say hello.
I have said so many hellos and I have also said many goodbyes. Some goodbyes I know are temporary, but others I know may be for good. What I have to remind myself is the amount of goodbyes and the amount of hellos that will be said before I inhale that first breath of eternity.
And I have to remember it is OK to say goodbye.