There are many things out in the world not a single person knows anything about, with that being said, it's OK to not know everything. There are many people out there who don't know what major they want, who they want to spend the rest of their life with, or even what to eat for dinner. I just want to tell you that it's OK. You don't need to be pressured by anyone or anything to make up your mind before you are ready to. It is your life, do what makes you happy.
The future is always changing and so are you, which is why you never know exactly what is going on in your own life, let alone the world around you. If something dramatic happens in life and you feel like you need to change something, do it. There is not a single person in the world who can tell you how to live your life. (Needless to say please don't do anything illegal) Whether it be your best friend, parent, adviser, or your sibling; do what makes you happy not them.
It's always perfect to know exactly what you want to do and when you are planning to achieve that goal, but if something goes awry, don't sweat it. You can switch up your plan, or even completely change your mind. Do you want to know why? BECAUSE IT'S YOUR LIFE! You decide whether to follow through with your well thought out 5 year plan, or trash it and start new. There is nothing stopping you from achieving your dreams or discovering a new dream.
Life is full of struggles, but that is what makes it life. There isn't a day where you aren't facing a struggle whether it be internal or external, but you still have to keep going on. You can't just give up, that isn't what I am trying to say, I want you to keep pushing yourself to be successful, but if you don't know what to do next you have to think about it with yourself. No one can tell you what decisions to make in life, but you just have to decide what to do next.